P H&A was established in 1998 by Peter Houniet—lifelong hotelier, communicator, trouble-shooter, idea generator and talent developer. Almost five decades in the hospitality business have rewarded Peter with extensive trade knowledge and unparalleled insights. If you own a hotel or restaurant that is not performing as it should, chances are that Peter can help.

Peter started his career back in the ’fifties, working for major chains all over the world, and passing through all stages of middle and higher management. In 1982, Peter joined with a business partner to buy a failing first class resort.

Having been in the hospitality industry for quite some time, the entrepreneurs already knew that in business it is all about round-the-clock commitment, in-depth industry knowledge and creative ways of thinking. So that is what they concentrated on. Step by step, the once ailing resort was turned into a sophisticated and profitable hotel.

Over the years, more hotels were added to the venture. Peter and his partner now own seven excellently performing 4 and 5-star hotels with over 1,400 rooms, all in the Netherlands. In addition to his Dutch properties, Peter also has shares in privately owned hotels and restaurants in various other countries.

At the end of the ’nineties, Peter gradually retired from active management and sold his shares to his partner. Not in order to ‘take it easy’, but to pass on his knowledge and skills to others, helping them to achieve maximum satisfaction and profit from their investments. Most assignments Peter carries out himself. But in especially demanding interventions, he is assisted by a team of trusted partners. These ‘associates’ each have many years of hands-on experience, just like Peter, and specialize in fields such as accounting, law, marketing & sales, information technology, human resource development, etc.

Since its start, PH&A has revived tens of underperforming hospitality properties, serving its clients around the globe: from Havana to Beijing, from Bangkok to Minsk.


– 1961, The start

Between 1961 and 1975 from dumb, loudmouth kid, Junior Office Clerk to General Manager.

– 1982, The first

My business partner and I founded our first hotel in Zutphen, now know as Inntel Hotels .

– 1986, The second

The second hotel in Amsterdam-Zaandam: Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Zaandam. The striking hotel has 160 rooms.

– 1990, The third

Inntel Hotels Rotterdam Center opens its doors with 148 rooms. Now expanded to 500!

– 1995, The fourth

In the historic and popular heart of Amsterdam. the fourth hotel was opened, Inntel Hotels Amsterdam Center has 280 rooms.

Now also: Eindhoven 230, Utrech 160, The Hague-Scheveningen 300 and Amsterdam 2nd 260.

Peter Houniet

“In a service organization, if you are not serving the customer, you had better be serving someone who is.”

-Jan Carlzon, captain of industry-